2021年5月5日 星期三


2nd Test Word Review (拼寫必背)

*Reading Fun

__________ If e_________g is finished, we can go home for the night.

__________ My teacher was s________d with my work

__________ Don’t b_________e what Alex tells you because he lies a lot.

__________ I had a(n) d_________m where I was able to fly.

__________ The food is r_________y to be eaten

__________ In the m_________t, lots of fruit was for sale.


__________ Don’t s__________y up late if you are tired.

__________ Patrick is s__________k, so he’s not coming to school.

__________ These coins are very v__________e.

__________ You can e_________y see the island from the beach.

__________ I am no longer in t_________h with Debbie.

__________ The class b_________ns at 9 o’clock in the morning.


__________ We saw the m________n in the sky last night.

__________ Your health is a s________s matter.

__________ The report s_________ws that I am healthy.

__________ Water will help your plants g_________w tall.

__________ My bicycle is d_________t from yours.

__________ Stop at the p_________t where the road turns.

__________ When he was a(n) t_________r, Matt started playing the piano.

__________ Andy wants to play on the school b_________l team.

__________ I sat on the c_________h and read a novel.

__________ Walking every day is good e_________e.

__________ Dave goes j_________g every morning.

__________ The man and woman were d_________g on the stage.


*Voc. 2000

__________ The m_________n brought a package to me.

__________ The handsome m_________e singer has won many young girls’ hearts.

__________ The m_________r is planning to hire several new workers.

__________ The m________c can fix your car.

__________ The m________e wore the fashion company’s newest clothes.

__________ Hello, could I speak to _______ (稱呼) Lin, please?

__________ I warmly welcomed my new n________rs when they moved here.

__________ Jane has no n________ws, as none of her brothers have sons.

__________ Brandy calls Charles “uncle” although she is not his n________e.

__________ Brad is mean to us, so n________y wants to talk with him.

__________ A soldier has to do well in training to become an o________r.

